Title: When the forest starts to attack itself; how climate change turns fungi into hidden killers. Post date May 19, 2022 In Uncategorized When the forest starts to attack itself; how climate change turns fungi into hidden killers. Author: Miranda Mosshttp://mirandamoss.com/residency-exhibition/ Tagsclimate changeforest healthfunginature reservesymbiosis Mathilda’s local park’s forest in the UK Duncan Kramer Leave a Reply Cancel replyComment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
TrollVision, Östergötland by MYCKET (Mariana Alves Silva, Katarina Bonnevier & Thérèse Kristiansson) Instagram:trollvision_
Anna-Karin Arvidsson, Albrunna Almallé, Öland, Sweden. To enter the the small village Albrunna, at south Öland you used to travel through a elm avenue shaped by over 200 old trees Instagram: annakarinarvidssonkonst